Saturday, June 30, 2012

Personalized Picture Frame

Using an old puzzle, I took some of my favorite pieces and glued them to an old picture frame to create my own personal picture frame. All you need is a puzzle, Elmer's rubber cement, and an old picture frame. Be sure to take the glass out of the picture frame when gluing the pieces onto the frame so as to not ruin the glass. Put the pieces you are using together and flip onto their backs to glue the cardboard side that doesn't have the design on it. Brush over the pieces with the rubber cement and let dry. Then using the rubber cement paint where you want to flue your pieces onto the frame. Apply, and let dry. Whaaa-la!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Movie Nights

I have a younger nephew who lives close by, and the other night I decided to host a movie night for him and his family. Aside from the costs for dinner (in which I made homemade mac n' cheese with bacon bits), the goodies and decorations cost me around $15.00, if not less. We all dressed up in our finest clothes, as if we were at a movie premiere. I also had a "crafty craft" for the little man. I added food coloring to soapy water and had him blow bubbles through a straw onto a piece of paper to create bubble art. He loved it! I decorated with printable coloring pages from disney movies and left some uncolored so that he could color them. I also borrowed a concessions board that my mother-in-law created for her own movie night that was absolutely genius! She used foam letter stickers on a still-wrapped poster frame and wrote the prices for all the goodies, which were as follows: hugs, kisses, and love. Since the poster frame was stilled wrapped the whole family signed it with permanent markers to make it appear as though they were signatures from "famous people." We had a blast! I thought I'd share my ideas. Here are some pictures:
This is the concession sign I borrowed...
Mac n' Cheese!!
I printed pictures of everyone and glued them onto stars I cut out of construction paper. I wrote their names beneath their photo to make them appear as the stars of the event.
I used a movie bucket from our local theater that we had purchased in the past to fill with Fiddle Faddle (you could use Cracker Jacks) and Twizzlers.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Think, Speak, Relax.

Lately, I have been reminded of a very important, but awfully challenging verse in Scripture. James 1:19-20 tells us, "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." Its not that I have found this particularly challenging with strangers or even acquaintances, but rather with those closest to me. Why, you may ask? I've been wondering the same thing. I know God is working on me, that's a first because He is always working on me. I am an imperfect human, just like everyone else in the world. I think that sometimes we often think of those who are close to us as being "good." But as James tells us, when we get angry or frustrated and say those words that we wish we could suck back into our mouths, we are not showing the righteous life of a Christian. And, more importantly, we are not showing the love of Christ. Why would we need to show the love of Christ to Christians, though? I think that it is a great way of accountability. By showing our love and care we can demonstrate to even Christians how to act like Christ shows us in the Bible. That demonstration acts as encouragement to other Christians to also love others. By listening and thinking before we choose our words, we can be more Christ, and often avoid a sticky situation. I experienced that tonight and the moment I said what I did, this verse just popped into my mind. I knew it was a God thing, and thankfully I have a very loving forgiver; first, and foremost, God, and also the person I offended. God has really been showing me ways I need to improve my life, and I know this is one area that can definitely use some tuning up. And, who knows, maybe by changing and sharing, I can encourage others. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for everyone sins, and that only through Jesus will I be able to spend eternity in heaven because God is such a loving God. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." I know that making changes in my behavior does not guarantee me a spot in heaven, but only knowing Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour does. But hopefully, by my speech and actions I can witness to those around me by showing them love, the same love that God has for me, as well as everyone He has created. ~Shannon

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Somewhat of a Reason

Why hello there, I am starting this blog on a rainy day in Florida, where roads are flooding due to Tropical Storm Debby. Unfortunately and truthfully enough, I have decided after much thought and boredom to start a blog. I'm studying Editing, Writing, and Media at Florida State University and figured, "Hey, if I'm in a writing major, then shouldn't I be writing?" Simple question, right? Well, I find that my problem is that I enjoy writing....wait for it...essays. It's true. And although that may come in handy in college, I don't think essays will get me far in the real world, unless I am striving to be some important doctor or scientist who is finding the next breakthrough in medicine or biology. And I can assure you, that's not likely to happen. The very thought of hospitals brings about a depressing feeling for me, and even more of fear. Doctors make me nervous, though, they are only there to help. I have no real reason to feel this way because my family practitioner is wonderful and my physical therapist was great when I encountered that adventure, if you will, last summer. All of that being said, I think that it would be a good time to try and break away from the structure and security of the argumenatives, or informatives, and try to start writing, for real. Hopefully this will develop more into a passion and even bring some clarity as to what in the world I should strive for as a career. We shall see. In the meantime, I will write my thoughts, experiences, and other fun tid-bits I find worthy of sharing. Until next time, ~Shannon