Friday, August 17, 2012

Depressing Days and Business Trips

Today has been a challenging day emotionally. On December 3, I got engaged to the most wonderful and godly man I've met! He is also a United States Marine. We have gone from December until now physically seeing each other in person, not over Skype, on two trips. We knew it would be a challenge, but its something I still don't want to believe. Well, Labor Day is coming up soon and he will be coming home for a short trip that is dealing with business. He's honoring one of his friends at a wedding by being the best man and is also getting some final things taken care of so he can take his car with him back to his duty station. I'm so thankful he is coming home, but I will be at school. I go back to Florida State University next Wednesday. Coming home is not a question of it being doable; I know I could find a way home. But after discussing the plans that Rafael (that's his name, by the way (: ) has while home, we came to the realization that even if I made it home, there wouldn't be any time, aside from the wedding. Pretty disheartening to hear that, right? So, I made the decision that it would be better for the both of us if I didn't come home; so he wouldn't be stressed trying to fit everything in, and I wouldn't be overly frustrated and disappointed. We made this decision last night, and though I know it's the right one for the both of us, it sucks. It stinks knowing that we have only seen each other twice this year and how he is only a few states away, but far enough that I don't get to see him, like, ever it feels like. But today, I was also reminded that I'm not the only one feeling discouraged. Though his family has a different love for him than I do, because well we are getting married, they still feel the same way. I went over to my future in-laws this evening and we talked about it. They explained that they felt the same way, in the sense that they would only see him at the wedding. Frustrating, right? Sometimes I just want to say, "What about me? I'm your fiance!" But, I remember that he has responsibilities as an adult and as a Marine. And being reminded that I'm not the only one feeling down, reminded me to count my blessings. He could be deployed right now...he could be stationed across the country, or world. The car will allow more visits and I'm lucky to be in school and to have a family here that cares about me, Rafael, and our relationship, but most importantly a family that prays for us. So, tonight instead of being discouraged, I'm am going to sleep counting my blessings and remembering that he called me on his mom's phone just to tell me he loved me.

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